
Centre for Behaviour Change


CBC Ethical Principles

 The CBC is guided by UCL's ethical principles.

The overarching principle governing the activities of the CBC is to advance scientific understanding of behaviour change in promoting well-being for individuals and for society, including physical, mental, social and environmental wellbeing.

  1. The CBC is committed to promoting equality and diversity in its activities, events, governance and representation.
  2. The CBC adheres to UCL's Guiding Principles (UCL White Paper 2011-2021) especially the commitments to 'apply ethical investment and procurement practices' and to 'focus the impact of UCL education and research on improving the lot of people around the world and respect for human rights, and countering ignorance, poverty, ill-health and political tyranny'. In line with these principles, there are circumstances where it is not appropriate for the CBC to accept funding from a particular organisation.
  3. The CBC will collaborate with organisations that support wellbeing and positive behaviour change and are judged to have minimal conflict of interest.
  4. CBC events are open, but beyond this the CBC will not collaborate with or accept funding, money or other incentives in any circumstances from (including all aspects of these and their agents):

    • The tobacco industry
    • The alcohol industry
    • The gambling industry
  5. Working with, or receiving funding from, other industries or organisations where there are concerns about social harm will be considered by the Director and, if necessary, brought to the CBC Executive Committee for a decision as to whether engagement is appropriate.
  6. These principles are expected to evolve over time. Changes will typically reflect discussions between and experiences of CBC staff, Executive Committee and Advisory Board members and changes agreed by the UCL Research Funding Ethics Committee and the UCL Research Governance Committee.

CBC staff - Declaration of Interests

Competing interests for work conducted by CBC staff outside CBC (CBC paid activities are either publicised in our reports or available from the CBC).

Since December 2017 CBC staff have received payments or services from, or have a financial relationship with, a third party (government, commercial, private foundation, etc.) as follows:

  • Prof Susan Michie, Director: None
  • Dr Paul Chadwick, Deputy Director: Clinical Director of MEND Central Ltd
  • Dr Fabiana Lorencatto, Research Lead: None
  • Dr Jeremy Oliver, part-time Senior Teaching Fellow: None
  • Dr Lou Atkins, part-time Senior Teaching Fellow: Consultant for International Medical Press
  • Beth McKinnon, Administrator: None