
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources


Omran Al-Kuwari

Thesis title: The future of LNG (liquefied natural gas) in the energy transition: options and implications for the LNG industry in a decarbonising world.

Utilising a meta-framework grounded in institutional theory, combining elements of techno-economic and socio-technical approaches, this study will examine how institutional, political and resource characteristics affect the use of natural gas in energy systems. It will also explore  implications on LNG exporters in the context of the ET (Energy Transition) and analyse the characteristics of LNG as compared to pipeline gas. The study will adopt a multiple case study approach, examining the role of natural gas in Japan, the United Kingdom and China, three countries that are in different stages of the ET to determine potential pathways for LNG exporters. It will involve a multi-method procedure for data collection, data analysis, in depth-interviews and direct observations. Qualitative results will be informed and supported by quantitative methods analysing how growing hydrogen demand will impact the LNG industry in the coming decades. It is expected that further analysis will provide a holistic understanding of LNG’s potential role in various types of energy systems and structures.


Worked in various commercial roles in the LNG and natural gas industry for Qatargas, Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil and South Hook Gas between 1999 and 2009 in Qatar, Japan and the UK. In 2006, Omran was appointed founding General Manager and Director of South Hook Gas Company, the largest importer of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) in the UK. Importer. Co-founded and was CEO of GreenGulf Inc, a leading clean technology business based in the Gulf between 2009 to 2014. Joined Qatar Foundation (QF) in 2015 as an Executive Director, a leading global non-profit focused on education and R&D. 

Graduated from George Washington University in Washington D.C. in 1999 with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BA) and obtained a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at City University London, Cass Business School, with a thesis titled “Renewable Energy in Qatar” in 2010. 
Fluent in Arabic, French, English and Arabic and proficient in Spanish (basic).
