Opportunity: Research Associate in Biodiversity and Food Security
15 March 2018
UCL ISR is looking for a Research Associate in Global Biodiversity and Human Food Security
The main purpose of the job will be to undertake research using biodiversity and environmental models to understand the impacts of food production on biodiversity, and the feedback from biodiversity to agricultural productivity.
The role holder will contribute to the project “Revealing the interactions between global biodiversity change and human food security”, which is funded by the U.K. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). This project is co-lead by the Institute for Sustainable Resources and the Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research at UCL.
Key requirements
The postholder will have a PhD in a related discipline (most likely environmental engineering, earth science) or equivalent research experience. Knowledge of relevant research techniques and methodologies, including computational analysis is essential, together with evidence of a publication record in high-quality journals, and a proven ability to run quantitative analysis and relate findings to the published literature. The postholder will have excellent interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to work both collaboratively and independently.
Further details
You can find more information about the application here.
Closing Date: 29th April 2018 23:59.