Leveraging procurement to advance Brazil’s economic transformation agenda
Authored by Mariana Mazzucato, Eduardo Spanó and Sarah Doyle
6 August 2024
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) Working Paper Series: IIPP WP 2024-10.
- Mariana Mazzucato | Founding Director and Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value | UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
- Eduardo Spanó | Policy Fellow | UCL Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose
- Sarah Doyle | Director's Head of Policy | UCL Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose
The Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) is collaborating with the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI) to enhance the public sector's capacity to implement Brazil’s commitment to sustainable and inclusive economic growth. This transformation requires the government to shift from correcting market failures to shaping markets through a mission-oriented approach. This approach aims to provide a clear direction for innovation, investment, and growth, addressing society-wide challenges. It also necessitates a new collaborative framework between the public and private sectors, focused on shared risks and rewards and maximizing public value.
The implementation of mission-oriented innovation policies will demand changes in the design of government tools and institutions and the development of new capabilities, such as state-owned enterprises, digital public infrastructure and public procurement. This working paper synthesizes preliminary challenges and opportunities in using strategic, mission-oriented procurement to support Brazil's economic transformation, based on research conducted from January 2024 to June 2024. It aimed at fostering dialogue at the workshop “Leveraging procurement to achieve Brazil’s economic transformation agenda” held with 26 public organizations at the BNDES in Brazil, to inform the work of interministerial commissions on strategic procurement and to help build a common vision for unlocking the potential of public procurement.
This working paper can be referenced as follows: Mazzucato, M., Spanó, E. and Doyle, S. (2024). Leveraging procurement to advance Brazil’s economic transformation agenda. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Working Paper Series (IIPP WP 2024-10). Available at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/public-purpose/publications/WP-2024-10.