Submission to the Canadian Standing Committee on Health Study on Federally Funded Health Research
This submission maps the fault lines of the current health innovation system and sets out principles for a new one.

18 October 2018
This Submission to the Canadian Standing Committee on Health (HESA) Study on Federally Funded Health Research (M-132) suggests some quick fixes that policymakers can implement in the short term, but crucially it also proposes concrete policy actions that can be taken in the long term to actively shape and co-create a health system that delivers real public value. The transformative proposals discussed in this submission include:
- A mission-oriented approach to improving health outcomes
- De-linking innovation funding from high prices
- Achieving public return through conditionality
- Changes to corporate governance: beyond shareholder value
- Mariana Mazzucato | Director, Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
- Tiziana Masini | Research Fellow, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose