Learn more about the Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN)'s activity to date.

The Mission-Oriented Innovation Bootcamp
The 2020 Mission-Oriented Innovation Bootcamp, a collaboration between IIPP and OECD OPSI, took place in December 2020 and was attended by over 150 public agencies and innovation actors. In this three hour deep-dive, the recording of which can be viewed below, academics, policy-makers and practitioners shared their research and experience of actively working with missions to-date.
You can read Rowan Conway's (Head of MOIN) blog here sharing insights from this important event.
Mission-Oriented Innovation in a Time of Covid-19
What has Covid-19 meant for mission-oriented innovation? In this event, recorded in December 2020, insights were shared from the missions approach in Italy, South Africa and Camden, UK. You can catch up on the recording of the event below and full event details can be found here.
Alternative Ways to Evaluate Public Value: Measuring Missions and Capturing Market Shaping effects
21st-century politics is increasingly defined by the need to respond to major social, environmental and economic challenges. For governments and institutions to solve these challenges they will need to measure different things. This session, recorded in December 2020, looks at alternative ways to measure public value. You can catch up on the recording of the event below and full event details can be found here.
March 2019: First MOIN Annual Meeting

- The Network convened at The Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Centre in Northern Italy
- Members engaged in a three-day seminar discussing the ROAR framework, which aims to empower public-sector organisations in the pursuit of public-value driven innovation
- The outcome of the meeting will be the ROAR Guidebook, a report which provides advice on the practical tools needed to pursue ambitious mission-driven policies
read the agenda from the conference
January 2019: MOIN hosts public policy colloquium on challenge prizes:

- MOIN hosted a public policy colloquium “Sparking social innovation through crowdsourcing and prizes: Does Finland lead the way?”
- The event examined possibilities and limits of using challenge prizes as an instrument in driving mission-oriented innovation
read more on our blog
Spring/Summer 2018: MOIN co-creates the policy brief titled The Economics of Change:

- MOIN organised a number of workshops and webinars on the issue with UK's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
- This line of activity resulted in the IIPP policy report The Economics of Change
Read the report here
March 2018: MOIN launches:

- The network launched in March 2018, with presentations and workshops led by path-breaking innovators from 10 countries with experience in creating, capturing and nurturing public value