MOIN members are public sector agencies globally as per the organisation type below.
- Cities, municipalities, regional agencies and regional governments
- Camden Council, UK
- Greater London Authority
- Greater Manchester Combined Authority
- Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
- Islington Council, UK
- MaRS Discovery District, Canada
- London Legacy Development Corporation
- Belfast City Council
- London Borough of Hackney
- Gobierno de la Ciudad de Mexico
- Adur & Worthing Council, UK
- City of Valencia, Spain
- Limerick City and County Council, Ireland
- Strategic Metropolitan Plan of Barcelona (PEMB)
- Municipality of Reykjavik
- Regional Government of La Libertad, Peru
- Renca Borough Santiago
- Public banks
- Strategic and design agencies
- Danish Design Centre Design Council, UK
- Dubai Future Foundation
- Instituto de Pequisa Economica Aplicada (The Institute of Applied Economic Research), Brazil
- The Public Innovation Team, Government of Colombia
- Government Digital Service (GDS), UK
- Digital Catapult, UK
- Satellite Applications Catapult, UK
- National Lottery Community Fund, UK
- Knowledge Transfer Network, UK
- Power to Change, UK
- Research and Innovation agencies
- Finep, Brazil
- Innovate UK
- SITRA, Finland
- Vinnova, Sweden
- CSIRO Australia
- Climate-KIC
- Office of Investment and Innovation (OII) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), US
- New Energy Nexus, US
- National Research Foundation, Singapore
- a2i, Bangladesh
- CSIR, South Africa
- Northern Ireland Public Sector Innovation Lab
- Research Nova Scotia, Canada
- Malaysian Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
- Fiocruz, Brazil
- Innovate Peru
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- PD - Berater der Öffentlichen Hand
- Centre for Public Service Innovation South Africa
- Arantzazulab
- Government departments
- Public Digital
- Republic of Estonia - Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
- Department of Science and Technology, Republic of South Africa
- The Prime Minister's Office of the United Arab Emirates Cabinet
- Government Digital Services, UK
- Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office UK
- ENISA, Spain
- The Open Data Insitute, UK
- The Cabinet Office, UK
- Future Generations Commissioner’s office for Wales
- Health Holland
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
- Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand – Manatū Mō Te Taiao
- Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation Ireland
- Natural Resouces Canada
- Department of Education, UK
- PRODUCE Ministry of Production Peru
- Noah's Ark Children's Hospital for Wales
- Scottish Enterprise
- Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy - the Netherlands
- Centro de planeamiento estrategico del Peru
- Space agencies
- International organisations