IIPP’s Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN) launches its 2021 MOIN Casebook
20 January 2022
A compilation of stories from public actors globally who are implementing a mission-oriented approach, the 2021 MOIN Casebook describes these missions’ programmes; their political context, the implementation approach, the challenges faced and the lessons learned to-date.
IIPP’s Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN) is delighted to launch its 2021 MOIN Casebook. Compiled of eight member stories from around the world, the casebook paints an emerging picture of how mission-oriented innovation is being implemented by public actors globally.
Today’s grand challenges - from tackling climate change to combating poverty, compounded by exponential crises such as the global COVID 19 pandemic - require new collaborations across the state, businesses, and civil society. Missions are concrete targets within these grand challenges that act as frames and stimuli for innovation.
The Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN) brings together leading global policymaking institutions to share the challenges and opportunities they face when trying to actively create and shape markets, not only fix them. Key to this activity is understanding how to create, nurture and measure public value.The 2021 MOIN Casebook showcases a wide range of ongoing mission programmes in public agencies globally; from achieving 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030 (the European Union), to ensuring that all Dutch citizens live 5 years longer in good health by 2040 (Health~Holland), to ensuring that every street in Sweden is healthy, sustainable and full of life by 2030 (Vinnova).
Further stories hail from CSIRO (Australia), Greater Manchester Combined Authority (UK), Valencia City (Spain), The Clyde (Scotland) and Camden (UK).
The casebook delves into these missions’ programmes; describing their political context, the implementation approach, the challenges faced, and also shares the lessons learned to-date by implementation teams.
Rowan Conway, Visiting Professor of Strategic Design at IIPP noted:
It is with great pleasure that we launch the Mission-Oriented Innovation Network’s 2021 Casebook; a compilation of eight stories illustrating mission- oriented innovation in action. These MOIN member stories highlight pioneering emergent practice in the space of mission-oriented innovation by public bodies globally and by providing this visibility through the casebook, we hope to inspire others in the approach. “
The Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN) is a collaborative knowledge sharing network aimed at advancing knowledge of purpose-driven and mission-oriented innovation policy. It currently has over 90 participating members globally.
If you would like to hear directly from some of the 2021 MOIN Casebook story owners, tune into the MOIN Global Gathering Green Missions event series from 8-10 Feb.
For queries related to the Mission-Oriented Innovation Network, please reach out to Nora Clinton (MOIN Network Engagement Manager) at n.clinton@ucl.ac.uk
Further information:
- View the report here
- Learn more about IIPP's Mission Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN)