IIPP in the media: January 2019
31 January 2019
IIPP's research, work and people are regularly featured in the media around the world. Here is a round up of cover achieved in January 2019.

Populasi Menua dan Implikasinya pada Ekonomi, Berita Satu (28 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Carbon pricing and digital tax find traction in Davos, Euractiv (28 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
The Norwegian model isn’t working for Norway – it wouldn’t for Brexit Britain, The New Statesman (26 January 2019, Laurie Macfarlane)
Viernes, 25 de enero de 2019 (23.00 GMT), La Vanguardia (26 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
‘Less innovation and more inequality are price of share buybacks’, The Times (26 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Davos señala las amenazas para la economía: envejecimiento y cambio climático, Agencia EFE (25 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
WEF-Blog 4 - Student Greta Thunberg: <<Our house is in flames>>, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (25 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Kamal Nath downplays GDP growth; pitches for well-being in real terms, Devidscourse (23 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
GDP a 'fancy figure', growth must translate to well-being on ground: Kamal Nath, Business Standard (23 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Political noise will not drown out environment signals, Financial Times (22 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
OPINION: Effort needed to pursue a more purposeful capitalism, IOL (17 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Let's get real about purpose, Gulf Times (17 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Rethinking Capitalism: like the Feynman lectures but for economics, Boing Boing (17 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Economist Josh Ryan-Collins: 'Rising rents are a social and economic disaster', de Volkskrant (16 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Let's get real about purpose, Interest.co.nz (15 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
"We need to recognise that value is created collectively", Namibia Economist (15 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Let's get real about purpose, Project Syndicate (14 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Rethinking PSDP, The News (4 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Brexit leads to grave fear for future Scots energy transition, Energy Voice (11 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Private-public sector co-operation can tackle major challenges, The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)
Book review: 'The Value of Everything' by Mariana Mazzucato, Public Affairs, 2018, Seeking Alpha (2 January 2019, Mariana Mazzucato)