
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


MPA Student Placement Programme and Portfolio


A key offering to the MOIN network is the opportunity to host a student team for eight weeks per year from IIPP’s MPA in Innovation, Public Policy and Public Value, a global curriculum for future civil servants which brings revived notions of public value and public purpose to the study of public administration. 
Host organisations from MOIN put forward real challenges that they face when driving innovation towards meeting societal challenges, wanting to benefit from IIPP’s thinking and approaches in live contexts.  

Please see below recent examples of work carried out by students with MOIN members through the programme, alongside testimonials from MOIN members.   


“It was great to work with IIPP students. They were professional and creative, and brought in their own experiences as well as their learning from IIPP. They really became part of the team and made a significant impact on the project and its direction”— Hackney Council  
“The work the students did was extremely positive, helped shape our thinking and stimulate new discussions”— Scottish Government 
“I was impressed with the quality of work and demeanour of the students. A really good experience”––Knowledge Transfer Network 

Contact MOIN 

For more information on MOIN, please contact Nora Clinton, Head of the Mission-Oriented Innovation Network.

Email: n.clinton@ucl.ac.uk