Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN)

2023 MOIN Gathering ‘Mission-Oriented Innovation: The state of play’

IIPP Forum 2024 - Rethinking the State

The landscape of public sector capacity and capability frameworks, toolkits and indexes

Designing and implementing mission-oriented policies: Tools and resources from the field

Mission-oriented innovation policies in Europe: From normative to epistemic turn?
What is MOIN?
The Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN) is IIPP's policy network and peer-learning platform which brings together global public sector organisations to share the challenges and opportunities they face when stepping outside the market fixing box into a market-shaping role to respond to bold, difficult and complex ‘grand challenges’ such as climate change, ageing societies and preventative health care.

MOIN promotes the role of governments as creators of value and aims to catalyse the potential of governments to tackle such grand challenges through directed (or mission-oriented approaches) to economic and growth policies.
The network is developed under a new theoretical and practical framework, ROAR (Mazzucato, 2016), that enables public sector organisations to envision, justify and assess public investments; alongside providing a framework for mission-oriented organisations.
MOIN members are pioneering new ways of working as public sector organisations and the network is a shared, peer-to-peer platform of interaction and learning to this end.
- What are the benefits of MOIN membership?
MOIN is a non-fee paying network open to public sector organisations. Membership to MOIN provides:
- Access to knowledge and tools on IIPP approaches
- Access to the latest academic and policy research
- Access case examples of practice from other regions
- Invitations to attend MOIN events and workshops to hear from and collaborate with IIPP
- Invitation to collaborate with other MOIN members in an environment of peer-to-peer exchange
- The opportunity to collaborate with IIPP MPA students for eight weeks annually on organisational challenges.
- Join MOIN
MOIN consists of members from the following types of public sector organisations:
- Government departments
- Public banks
- International agencies
- Strategic and design agencies
- Research and innovation agencies
- Digital agencies
- Cities, municipalities, local government, regional government and agencies
- Space agencies
Check out the MOIN Network Directory for more information.
If you would like to apply for MOIN membership, please read the MOIN Terms of References and complete the MOIN application form.
- ROAR Framework
The ROAR framework addresses four essential pillars:
*The ROAR framework has been developed by Mariana Mazzucato, for further details, see Mazzucato, M. (2016) "From Market Fixing to Market-Creating: A new framework for innovation policy", Industry and Innovation, and IIPP first working paper Mission-Oriented Innovation Policy: Challenges and Opportunitie
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Contact MOIN
For more information on MOIN, please contact Nora Clinton, Head of the Mission-Oriented Innovation Network.
Email: n.clinton@ucl.ac.uk