MOIN Gathering 2023 | Mission-oriented innovation: The state of play

Centred on the theme “Mission-oriented innovation: The state of play,” the 2023 Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN) Gathering will be a unique opportunity for public sector organisations to meet and exchange ideas with each other, IIPP faculty, students and wider networks. Via a rich agenda of interactive plenary and case explorations, the gathering will focus on the state of play in implementing ambitious, mission-oriented industrial and innovation policies to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth – including discussions on the opportunity of industrial policy to steer green growth and the evolving role of public innovation agencies in meeting 21st-century grand challenges.
The following sessions are being streamed live from the physical meeting being held in central London.
The gathering is part of the IIPP 2023 Festival: The Entrepreneurial State 2.0. - Rethinking the State in the 21st Century.
Tuesday 6 June

Industrial policy: Steering green growth
This session examines the challenges and opportunities of developing, implementing, and governing a green industrial strategy in today’s multi-polar world. Listen to world leaders such as Martin Guzman (former Minister of Economy and Labour of Argentina) and Elisabeth Werner (European Union) explore whether we have the correct institutional frameworks – located at the correct level of governance – to embed green objectives within both the principle and practice of industrial policy.

Digital state capacity and grand challenges
In this session we will consider the past and present landscape of mission-oriented policies in Europe, how such policies can be conceived as an agenda for public sector reform and the new opportunities for building state capacity in a digital era.

The evolving role of public innovation agencies in tackling grand challenges
Our afternoon plenary session will focus on emerging practices and ways of working in public organisations to implement innovations and ambitious policy agendas to shape markets. It will take stock of how the very idea of an innovation agency is expanding from innovation policy organisations to innovations labs and digital teams, focussing on their evolving institutional design, analytical frameworks, policy analytical methods, tools and scope of work and how that might evolve to take a more market shaping approach.

The Entrepreneurial State in the 21st century
It is time for a new deal – one that unleashes the creative potential of the public sector, unlocks new green markets for businesses, and ensures economic opportunity and security for citizens. This is the vision of the Entrepreneurial State 2.0. However, as Franklin D. Roosevelt posited, “There are many ways of going forward, but only one of standing still.” This event marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of Professor Mariana Mazzucato’s book The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking public vs. private sector myths and the 5th anniversary of the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose. Opening with a keynote speech by Mazzucato, the panel of global leaders will stretch new economic thinking and new economic policies.
Weds 7 June

Dynamic evaluation: Theory meets practice
Bringing together academics, experts, and practitioners in the space of monitoring and evaluation, this seminar will discuss steps forward to designing best practices in how we capture learning from missions implementation. We will look at experimental and dynamic monitoring and evaluation as an alternative conceptual and methodological approach to capturing system changes from mission implementations and reflects on its feasibility and applications from practical experiences.

Cities solving challenges with purpose: from tools to cultures
In this session we will learn from city representatives who are pioneering such new approaches to deliver their missions and will explore to what extent these approaches are transferable to other contexts.