The Entrepreneurial State in Developing Countries
27 April 2023, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

The UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) invites you to the second instalment of the IIPP 2023 Festival: The Entrepreneurial State 2.0. - Rethinking the State in the 21st century.
Event Information
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Thursday 27 April 2023 | 17:30–19:00 (BST) UK Time
The Entrepreneurial State by Mariana Mazzucato demonstrated that the state has the capacity to generate and promote innovation. The argument in the book is developed by scrutinising the economic and development history of the 20th century of the most successful economies around the globe, in which the role of the state has been central.
For developing countries, one of the main questions in this debate is the common grounds the entrepreneurial state has with long-term considerations on state-led development, its limitations, and criticisms. If, in most of the cases discussed in the book, there were very few budget constraints, does this mean an obstacle for developing countries who face serious limited fiscal space? If, in the context of these most successful economies, we see this state capacity linked to geopolitical and military disputes, what can be said about developing economies?
Equally importantly, assessing and returning to various forms of state-led development has been one of the outcomes of recent transformations in the global economy. Here, a discussion around the concept of 'new state capitalism' is gaining attention, where there is an attempt to move away from binary notions of the relationship between states and markets. Thus, an essential task in this context is to assess how The Entrepreneurial State is understood in this discussion.
Meet the panel:
The talk is chaired by Dr Carolina Alves Associate Professor in Economics at UCL IIPP, in conversation with Dr Farwa Sial, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer - Development Finance, EURODAD, Dr Lucia Pradella, Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy, King's College London and Prof. Julio D. Dávila, UCL Professor of Urban Policy and International Development.
This event is part of the IIPP 2023 Festival: The Entrepreneurial State 2.0. - Rethinking the State in the 21st Century. #TheEntrepreneurialState2.0
About the Speakers
Dr Farwa Sial
Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer at Development Finance EURODAD

Dr Lucia Pradella
Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy at King's College London

Julio D. Dávila
Professor of Urban Policy and International Development at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit University College London

Dr Carolina Alves
Associate Professor in Economics at UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose

Carolina comes from Girton College at the University of Cambridge where she was the Joan Robinson Research Fellow in Heterodox Economics and a College Teaching Officer at the Faculty of Economics. At Cambridge, she has been leading teaching in macroeconomics, political and social aspects of economics, and history and philosophy of economics, while also being the Director of Studies for Economics for second-year undergrads, and a member of Girton’s College Council responsible for the stewardship of the College.
Carolina is the co-founder of Diversifying and Decolonising Economics – a network of economists working to promote inclusiveness in economics in both the academic content and the field’s institutional structures. She is a member of the Rebuilding Macroeconomics Advisory Group - a research initiative aimed at re-invigorating macroeconomics and bringing it back to the fore as a policy-relevant social science, as well as being the co-editor for the Developing Economics blog, which takes a critical approach to creating discussion and reflection in the field of economics.
She is also a board member on the Progressive Economy Forum Council (PEF) and Positive Money.