
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose



IIPP is a partner in a major European Commission Horizon2020 project that examines the impact of new technologies on the future of jobs, business models and welfare.

About the project

IIPP will employ cross-discplinary and innovative research methods combining historical, EU-wide, regional and company level data. The project aims to promote the creation of an inclusive digital economy that provides decent work and a decent living for EU citizens.  

A consortium of ten European universities and research institutes will deliver the work. IIPP is the lead partner on a work package on technological change. The research will examine the history and theory of technological revolutions in Europe and the US since the first Industrial Revolution. Rather than the technological determinism that dominates so many policy narratives, the research will examine how public policies and regulation shaped previous technological revolutions to the needs of society, creating new types of demand and employment in the process.  IIPP will also contribute to research on the business models of platform capitalist firms such as Amazon, Uber and Airbnb and how they might be made more socially inclusive. This relates to our ‘Rethinking Value’ research stream.
