Vision for a Sustainable, Multi-Functional Rural-Urban Fringe was funded by the Countryside Agency in 2004.

The preparation of a Vision for a Sustainable, Multi-Functional Rural-Urban Fringe was funded by the Countryside Agency in 2004. It comprised a review of recent rural-urban fringe research, building into a 'vision' for planning at the fringe.
The study involved examining how the Countryside Agency's vision for the fringe, set out in Unlocking the Potential (Countryside Agency, 2004), might be realised and trying to visualise the future of fringe development and management.
- People
Professor Nick Gallent
View Nick’s profile
Send Nick an emailDr Marco Bianconi
Johan Andersson and Frazer Osmont at Landscape Design Associates, Exeter.
- Outputs
This work led to the following reports as well as a number of practice articles and a book, Planning on the Edge, published by Routledge in 2006.
Nick Gallent, Johan Andersson, Marco Bianconi and Frazer Osmont, Vision for a Sustainable, Multi-Functional Rural-Urban Fringe, Cheltenham, Countryside Agency, 2005
Frazer Osmont, Nick Gallent, Johan Andersson and Marco Bianconi, A Multi-Functional Rural-Urban Fringe: The Challenge for Planning and Design, Exeter, Landscape Design Associates, 2005
- Impact
This work fed directly into the Countryside Agency's vision for the rural-urban fringe in England and its proposal for an 'enhanced green belt'. It was also referenced in the 2006 Barker Review into Land Use Planning.