The British Chambers of Commerce, in partnership with the Royal Town Planning Institute, offers a full-fee scholarship for a home fee student to study Urban Regeneration MSc at UCL in 2025/26.

The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), with funder British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), is offering one full fees scholarship for a Home full time student for the 2025-26 academic year for the RTPI fully-accredited route of the Urban Regeneration MSc¹.
The scholarship aims to enable students from backgrounds which are underrepresented in The Bartlett to pursue postgraduate studies with us. Together - working with The Bartlett - BCC and the RTPI wish to make a difference providing opportunities for individuals who may not have been able to afford to consider studying for a career in planning and, at the same time, boosting planning services.
For this scholarship candidates must:
- be UK domiciled with home fee status ; and
- have an offer of admission to the Urban Regeneration MSc for full-time study in 2025-26 and must not have completed a master’s (including integrated master’s degrees or degrees sometimes known as ‘undergraduate master’s) or PhD at UCL or anywhere else previously.
Candidates must also meet at least one of the additional criteria:
- be in financial need as assessed by UCL
- be from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background
- be from a Gypsy, Roma or Traveller community
- have a disability
- be a care leaver
- have care responsibilities
- be first generation in family to attend university at postgraduate level
How to apply
Please write a short statement of no more than 350 words explaining why you think you should receive this BCC scholarship and the difference it would make to you, including a short statement of financial need. This should be uploaded with your application for admittance to the programme. For those who are eligible and already have an offer for a place for next academic year, please forward your statement to Alkesh Patel
¹ For the fully accredited route, in addition to the core compulsory modules on this programme, students can choose between BPLN0037 Spatial Planning: Concepts and Context, or BPLN0038 Comparative Planning Systems and Cultures. In Term 2, the only possible option is BPLN0055 Planning Practice.