A drive for better design in the built environment.
Research at The Bartlett School of Planning extends from arguing the case for investing in better design, to researching approaches to its delivery and long-term stewardship.
Research areas
There are 3 key areas are covered by this strand of research:
- urban design: exploring the value and processes of urban design
- public space: establishing the fundamental precepts of effective public space management
- design tools: establishing a robust empirical basis for a range of design governance tools
From fundamental questions around investing in design, to practical questions about its delivery, researchers at The Bartlett School of Planning have demonstrated a sustained and impactful contribution in the design governance arena, transcending the design, planning, development, use and stewardship of the built environment.
Research projects
Evaluating the governance of design – the CABE experiment and beyond
Matthew Carmona and Claudio de Magalhaes
HOPUS: Housing Praxis for Urban Sustainability
Matthew Carmona
Local Environmental Quality: A New View on Measurement
Matthew Carmona, Claudio de Magalhaes
Global Space, Contested Space? The Case of the 'New' London Squares
Matthew Carmona and Filipa Wunderlich
Design Code Pilot Programme Monitoring and Evaluation
Matthew Carmona, Quentin Stevens, Leo Hammond and Ruth Blum
The Development and Use of Design Codes in the UK
Matthew Carmona, Quentin Stevens and Stephen Marshall
Managing Public Urban Green Space: An International Comparative Study
Matthew Carmona, Claudio de Magalhaes and Ruth Blum
The Value of Design, the Value of Public Space
Matthew Carmona and Jonathan Freeman
The Economic Value of Design in Commercial Office Development
Matthew Carmona, Claudio de Magalhaes, Michael Edwards and Louise Sieh
Managing External Public Space
Matthew Carmona, Claudio de Magalhaes, Leo Hammond and Ruth Blum
From Design Policy to Design Quality
Matthew Carmona and David Chapman
The Value of Urban Design
Matthew Carmona, Claudio de Magalhaes, and Michael Edwards
Design codes, how have they fared?
Matthew Carmona and Valentina Giordano
Measuring Quality - Best Value in Planning and Urban Design
Matthew Carmona and Louise Sieh
High Street Agenda
Matthew Carmona
Retail Renaissance in Small Market Towns
Matthew Carmona, Claudio de Magalhaes, and Jo Hammond
The Self Organising Built Environment
Stephen Marshall, Oliver Davis, Sally Lowell, Katrina Lythgoe and Scott Turner
Incubators of Public Spaces
Stephen Marshall, Nikos Karadimitriou and Andrew Hudson-Smith