Learning from COVID-19 and planning post-pandemic cities to reduce pathogen transmission pathways
Lauren Andres, John R. Bryson, Hisham Mehanna, and Paul Moawad (2022) in Town Planning Review, vol 94, issue 1.
29 November 2022
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With vaccination on its way globally - though at different speeds - but with the continuous emergence of new variants, the COVID-19 pandemic is a turning point. While significant health and socio-economic challenges will still continue to be posed in the coming years (Lftekhar et al., 2021), the transition towards the post-pancemic city is approaching, combined with other agendas, including economic recovery, energy secruity, inclusion and decarbonisation. Undoubtedly, we will have to learn to live with coronavirus as it becomes endemic within the population and possible new pandemic episodes (Lftekhar et al., 2021; Mackensie, 2020). As such, the COVID-19 pandemic has constituted a planning indlection point (Dockerill et al., 2021) during which existing approaches to urban development have been, and will continue to be questions as local and national governments, employets and city residents continute to adapt.