MRes Interdisciplinary Urban Design Field Trip
8 June 2018

The MRes IdUD is off to Porto this Sunday, June 4, for their Weekend Retreat 2018! The students will be exposed to and engage with various Urbanism research cultures in Porto.
We will visit two urbanism research centres based at the University of Porto: CITTA – research centre for territory, transport and environment, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto; and CEUA, research centre for Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, where an “International Research Exchanges Seminar" will take place, between FAUP and Bartlett School urban design research staff and students. Also, they will be guided with a tour by Dr. Claudia Rodrigues, exploring the topic of the 'urban everyday life emancipatory rhythms of the night in the city, and discussing topical issues, such as that of the gentrification and over tourismification of Porto; also, students will be offered a talk and tour by the ASF, Architects without Borders, Portugal, which will take them into the depths of urban Porto, and approach the present problems of social public housing demand and supply in the city.