Environment latest
12 results
Learning from architectural theory about how cities work as complex and evolving spatial systems
Francesca Froy, published by Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society…
The Bartlett School of Planning
Major Infrastructure Planning and Delivery
Exploring Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) in England and Wales. Ben Clifford and Janice Morphet, published by UCL Press…
The Bartlett School of Planning
Engaged Urban Pedagogy: Participatory practices in planning and place-making
Edited by Lucy Natarajan and Michael Short, published by UCL Press…
The Bartlett School of Planning
The energy crisis, neoliberal energy, and the limits to a socio-ecological fix
Gareth Fearn in Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space…
The Bartlett School of Planning
OMEGA Seminar: Toward More Holistic Approaches to Mega Transport Project Appraisal in Latin America
Lessons from the Bus Rapid Transit Project in Bogotá, Colombia…
The Bartlett School of Planning
MSc IPAD students visit London City Airport
On 5th December 2019 MSc Infrastructure, Planning and Development students visited London City Airport. Muna Al-Sharari, IPAD student rep, provides a description of the visit.…
The Bartlett School of Planning
*CANCELLED* UCL Graduate Open Day
PLEASE NOTE: This event has been cancelled due to planned industrial action.…
Faculty of the Built Environment|UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources|UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage|UCL Energy Institute|UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering|UCL Institute for Global Prosperity|Centre for Advanced Spatial
International Car Free Day - London Summit
International Car Free Day - London Summit. 20 September 2019, 8:30 am–5:30 pm. Event Information. Open to. All. Availability. Yes. Organiser. Robin Hickman. Location. Room G.06. Roberts Building. Gower Street. London. WC1E 6BS. United Kingdom.…
The Bartlett School of Planning
Pee and Poo for Food
Pee and Poo for Food. 2 March 2018. A summary of research results from the project 'Pee and Poo for Food' by Dr Hui Teh and Dr Lene Ciric (Deparment of Cirvil Environmental and Geomatic Engineering) has been published in the National Allotment…
The Bartlett School of Planning
From The Ashes - Film Screening
From The Ashes - Film Screening. 07 February 2018, 5:30 pm–8:30 pm. Event Information. Open to. UCL staff | UCL students. Availability. Yes. Organiser. Naomi Jones. Location. G01, Central House 14 Upper Woburn Place London WC1H 0NN. As part of the…
The Bartlett School of Planning