Debating Post-Growth Futures
01 May 2025, 3:00 pm–7:30 pm

Join us for an afternoon-into-evening discussion about post-growth futures, featuring a keynote address by Simonetta Tunesi, a panel discussion and presentations on two forthcoming books.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Yvonne Rydin
Room 225Central House14 Upper Woburn PlaceLondonWC1H 0NNUnited Kingdom
There has been a dramatic growth in writing and thinking about the dangers of relying on the pursuit of economic growth. This event launches three important publication that contribute to this debate from the perspective of planning. Participants will hear from the authors and editors of these publications as well as a keynote lecture by Simonetta Tunesi, a leading commentator from Italy. The arguments for the limit to growth will be addressed as well as the challenges of implementation. Alternative perspectives on how to move beyond the reliance on growth will be presented and discussed with the audience.
Chair: Yvonne Rydin | Simonetta Tunesi |
Nick Gallent | Dan Durrant |
Lucia Cerrada Morato | Tommaso Gabrielli |
Anna Pagani |