Mobilities of Planning Theory and Research
19 January 2022, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm

A discussion of how we research globally but theorise more narrowly.
Event Information
Open to
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Feng Yi
Join Professor Yvonne Rydin for the first China Planning Research Group seminar of 2022.
Zoom Meeting ID 918 1716 9212
We collectively do research in a wide variety of geographical settings but we typically draw on theoretical frameworks from a much narrower set of locations, often Euro-American. Does this matter? How do we respond to this issue? In this seminar, Prof. Yvonne Rydin will discuss this issue based on her research and experience. This discussion will be extended to research in China and more broadly Global South. How do we use and develop theories coined in the Global North? How do we generalise theories from discoveries in China and contribute to the wide literature? The seminar will be helpful for PhD and master students to write up a literature review and design their research.
About the Speaker
Yvonne Rydin
at The Bartlett School of Planning
Yvonne Rydin is Professor of Planning, Environment and Public Policy in the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL. She specialises in understanding governance for sustainability in a variety of geographical and institutional contexts. Her most recent book is Theory for Planning Research published by Palgrave in 2021. She also co-edited Regulation and Planning: practice, institutions, materiality published by Routledge, also in 2021, and Actor Networks of Planning: Exploring the Influence of Actor Network Theory published by Routledge in 2016. Her current research is looking at planning for low growth contexts across UK, Ireland and Sweden.