The Bartlett School of Planning Research Day
09 June 2021, 9:20 am–3:45 pm

The BSP Research Day on Wednesday 9th June will bring together speakers from across the School to present their current and emerging research through 15 minute presentations. The event is divided into three sessions of 90 minutes, starting at 9.20, 11.30am and 2pm, with time for Q&A. You are welcome to join the presentations at any time.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Julie Hipperson
The first session explores the themes of urban housing markets and the role of representations in shaping understandings of cities and urban development. The second looks at examples of state entrepreneurialism, planning reform, and mobility in a range of Asian countries, and the third panel will focus on the examination of development processes trends, place identities, and contemporary planning regulation.
- Read the full programme (PDF)
- Zoom join link:
You are also welcome to join our PhD students on 8th June for our PhD Conference.