From Design Policy to Design Quality was funded by the Royal Town Planning Institute in 2001-2002
Undertaken with Professor John Punter of the University of Cardiff, this project revised case studies originally undertaken for the books The Design Dimension of Planning (Punter and Carmona, 1997) and Housing Design Quality (Carmona, 2001). The updated work aimed to determine an agenda for design policies in the new generation of planning policy tools required under the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act.
- People
Professor Matthew Carmona
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- Outputs
Matthew Carmona and John Punter, From Design Policy to Design Quality: The Role of Design Policies in Development Plans, London, Thomas Telford, 2002
Matthew Carmona, 'English Design Policies: How Have they Fared?', inEnvironment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Vol. 30, 2003, pp. 911-931
Matthew Carmona, Making Design Policy Work: How to Deliver Good Design Through Your Local Development Framework, London, CABE, 2005
- Impact
The original work and this follow-up study have influenced the spread of more comprehensive design policies in development plans across the UK. The research is reflected in government policy and guidance on the relationship between planning and design.