Energy in the Locality: a case for local understanding and action
8 September 2014
Dr Catalina Turcu and Prof Yvonne Rydin have edited a special issue in the journal Local Environment on ‘Energy in the Locality’, which advocates the case for a more local action and understanding of energy issues. The special issue came out on the back of the CLUES Conference organised in May 2012 at UCL.
This publication brings together the themes of energy, the built environment, local activism and social practices and argues that ‘at this interface significant action can be taken to achieve carbon reductions associated with the urban energy system. It is increasingly recognised that the configuration and use of the built environment plays an important role in determining the carbon emissions from urban energy production, distribution and consumption. The design, construction, innovation and ongoing engagement through occupation of the built environment are all implicated in the ongoing energy flows through cities and the associated carbon burden. They reflect the way that the built environment and urban energy systems are co-produced and how the details of the built environment impact on the whole chain of energy production, distribution and consumption within urban areas.’