Financing Prosperity
How do we finance the lives we want? How do we transform financial institutions and practices so they produce inclusive and sustainable prosperity?

23 January 2022
The Institute for Global Prosperity has been working with a number of organisations in East London, including Money Advice and Education (Money A+E), Optimistic Productions/ Bank Job Pictures and Research for Action to explore critical alternatives to existing modes and practices of finance. This research examines how community-based forms of financial advice create pathways to prosperity for disadvantaged economic communities, how art can be a form of critical financial education and evaluates how Covid 19 has impacted the livelihoods of black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
The Financing Prosperity Network – led by Dr Christopher Harker – aims to:
- develop pathways towards a more inclusive and sustainable economy
- promote alternatives to current debt economies
- transform imaginaries about how we can finance real prosperity
The network draws together multiple forms of expertise from within and beyond the academy to address these challenges. Members of the network work within and beyond the UK. At regular events, we have coordinated solutions to debt problems, examined ways for providing public services in the 21st century and explored emerging modes of financing life on the move.
To find out more, email Dr. Harker, and stay up to date with the Financing Prosperity Network’s events and news by joining the mailing list.
Image Credit: Hilary Powell