
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


Dissertation in Prosperity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Module description

In this module, you will undertake an academic research project and explore a topic of your choosing theoretically and empirically. This module builds on the core conceptual and research methods modules (Transformative Entrepreneurship and Prosperity: Core Concepts, Researching Transformative Entrepreneurship). For the research dissertation, you will be encouraged to ask bold questions, investigate these empirically, and contribute to knowledge on transformative entrepreneurship. The research dissertation is flexible to a variety of topics and approaches, including applied, participatory and policy-relevant research. You are encouraged to explore topics aligned with your own questions and interests or as part of ongoing research projects situated at the IGP. A research dissertation in partnership with an external organization may be possible as long as it meets the requirements of an academic research project, is distinct from the Connected Innovation Project, and after discussion with and approval of the Programme Lead. You will be supervised by a core member of the IGP staff or UCL expert, and will have the opportunity to participate in a series of dissertation preparation workshops to support your dissertation journey.

Module restriction

This module is for students of MSc Prosperity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship only.