712 results

Is it possible to end global poverty?
Is it possible to end global poverty? 21 April 2015. Professor Henrietta Moore has contributed to a world-wide debate on the goal to end poverty by 2030. The economic growth rhetoric simply does not hold in practice, which means that innovative ways…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

IGP at Social Entrepreneurship summer school
Mary Davies and Konrad Miciukiewicz of UCL’s Institute for Global Prosperity have been invited to deliver a special workshop at this year’s Social Entrepreneurship summer school, University of London.…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

The Commonwealth: a giant laboratory for new economic models
The Commonwealth: a giant laboratory for new economic models. 21 April 2015. The concept of a Commonwealth seems somewhat antiquated. Its member states are slowly distancing themselves from the former British Empire, apparently in agreement that the…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

Henrietta Moore: Let’s be honest about immigration
Henrietta Moore: Let’s be honest about immigration. 21 April 2015. In an article for the Telegraph, Professor Henrietta Moore debates the appropriateness of media responses to immigration. She uses the facts to bring to bear a less-discussed…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

Henrietta Moore debates the relevance of ‘development’ on the BBC
Henrietta Moore debates the relevance of ‘development’ on the BBC. 21 April 2015. In a lecture delivered as part of the BBC World Service’s ‘A Richer World’ season, Professor Henrietta Moore argued that the top-down model of development is…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity
The Humanities in Europe Interview series features Henrietta Moore
The Humanities in Europe Interview series features Henrietta Moore. 21 April 2015. As part of an interview series curated by the Centre for the Humanities at Utrecht University, Professor Henrietta Moore speaks about the significance of…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

Henrietta Moore: Scandinavia is not the model for global prosperity
Henrietta Moore: Scandinavia is not the model for global prosperity. 21 April 2015. According to major wellbeing and prosperity indexes, Scandinavian countries are thriving, prosperous societies with low inequality. One might be tempted to ask why…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

Henrietta Moore: What should the UK do about foreign aid?
Henrietta Moore: What should the UK do about foreign aid? 21 April 2015. Image credit: DFID. As the UK Government nears the passing of a bill to ringfence 0.7% of the UK’s gross national income for foreign aid, the questions about its use and its…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

Paradigms for a prosperous London: inspiration from co-creation
Paradigms for a prosperous London: inspiration from co-creation. 21 April 2015. By Maria Evangelina (Eva) Filippi. What can entrepreneurial courage, urban communities’ participation and sustainability endeavours bring about together? A great…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

Greater London National Park City conference supports green initiative
Greater London National Park City conference supports green initiative. 21 April 2015. The Reimagine London conference held at the Southbank Centre last week saw planning practitioners, campaigners, academics and politicians gather to show their…
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity