The major goal of COMPLEX is to understand different degradation mechanisms and the way in which they act synergistically and cause degradation to plastic objects so as to provide evidence-based approaches to storing and displaying such objects in museums.
The objectives are as follows:
- The development of systems dynamics models. These models incorporate multiple chemical and physical interactions between the components of plastic objects and environmental parameters.
- These models provide a significant insight into the complicated functional mechanisms that govern objects’ behaviour and facilitate the identification of the key parameters that affect change of objects over time.
- Using the development of the system dynamics models for the prediction of the degradation behaviour of plastic objects over time under different scenarios e.g. changes in storage RH.
- To provide practical solutions for heritage professionals. Understanding the complex mechanisms that govern the system’s behaviour and identifying the degree to which environmental factors affect objects in museums, will provide an evidence base for professionals in the heritage sector to make informed decisions about methods of displaying, storing and conserving plastic objects.
- These practices could change or create policies in terms of storing and displaying plastic objects in museums and galleries after being thoroughly validated.