
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage


Design with Heritage project launched

31 January 2013

Design with Heritage Project

UCL Centre for Sustainable Heritage and the Victoria & Albert Museum announce the launch of Design with Heritage, a 12-month Creative Economy Knowledge Exchange project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Led by Professor May Cassar, Director of UCL Centre for Sustainable Heritage, Design with Heritage aims to challenge heritage disciplines and digital design industries to realise their potential to develop and grow of the Creative Economy. It will promote the value of cultural heritage assets as resources by utilising research to develop products and services, to improve productivity and facilitate connections, communication and exchange between Arts and Humanities research and creative industries.

Design with Heritage consists of two work packages led by UCL Bartlett and the V&A staff:

Design for Augmented Artefacts will consider the issues surrounding digital augmentation of artefacts and how this might influence museum display. This work package is led by Boris Pretzel (Chief Scientist at V&A) and Dr Matija Strlic (UCL Centre for Sustainable Heritage), with the support of Emily Pavlatou, Research Assistant.

Design for Enhanced Exhibitions will consider the future of visitor interaction through digitally enhancing museum spaces. This work package is led by Professor Stephen Gage (UCL Bartlett) and Dr Glenn Adamson (Head of Research at V&A), with the support of David Di Duca, Research Assistan.

 The project will fund up to 8 six-month feasibility projects. Other key activities includean interactive website and the publication of a consultative Green Paper.

For further information on how to engage with this project, please contact the Project Coordinator, Clio Heslop (c.heslop@ucl.ac.uk).