
The Bartlett


The Bartlett Forum for the Global Majority – Opening event

17 October 2024, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm

Book launch

Uncivilised: The invention of race in the making of Western civilisation

Event Information

Open to



Bartlett Faculty


IAS Forum G17
Ground Floor South WIng
Gower Street

The writer, historian, broadcaster, and comedian Subhadra Das, a former UCL colleague, will be speaking to us about her new book, Uncivilised: Ten Lies that Made the West. She will ask us reconsider what we thought we know about civilisation, starting with the ten lies that have shaped all our lives.

Western civilisation is a powerful brand, and full of accepted wisdoms like these that we rarely question. Taking cues from Greek philosophy and honed in the Enlightenment, certain notions about humanity and society grew into the tenets many of us still live by today.

But if we take a closer look at these ideas, it seems they are not all they are cracked up to be. In fact, some of them are outright lies – and we can start to ask who really benefits from them. What is the value of a scientific worldview that conjured up ‘race’? Are the Western concepts of ‘saving’ and ‘wasting’ time really the best ways to live? Who are our laws actually designed to serve? And the real question: is the West as civilised as it likes to think it is? In an age of division and entrenched inequality, Uncivilised is a timely, provocative and entertaining counter to the ideas and assumptions that have shaped the West, exposing the fatal flaws at its core.

The writer, historian, broadcaster, and comedian Subhadra Das, a former UCL colleague, will be speaking to us about her new book, Uncivilised: Ten Lies that Made the West. She will ask us reconsider what we thought we know about civilisation, starting with the ten lies that have shaped all our lives.

To join the Bartlett Forum for the Global Majority please visit: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/about/equality-diversity-and-inclusion/bartlett-forum-global-majority