
The Bartlett


What is Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at The Bartlett?

09 May 2019, 9:00 am–10:00 am

A protest sign that reads 'Abuse of power is no surprise'

Join us for a breakfast surgery to discuss all things Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff | UCL students






Emily Stone


22 Gordon Street
United Kingdom

Bartlett EDI leads Kamna Patel and Tan Sapsaman will take their place in the Bartlett 100 exhibition to answer questions about what EDI means at The Bartlett. This is an opportunity to find out about useful resources, meet the EDI team and feel more confident championing EDI in all aspects of your work.
EDI is an integral part of UCL’s strategy and will have a significant impact on all aspects of teaching, recruitment, spaces and much more. As part of The Bartlett 100 we ask you to think about the role of EDI over the next 100 years and consider the following:

  • How do we engineer socially just spaces?
  • How do we get buy-in from those who benefit (materially, socially, politically) from the unequal use and ownership of space?

Following the surgery there will be space for you to post questions and comments about what you understand EDI to be, how you can take action and what do we need to change to make the future Bartlett more equal, more diverse and more inclusive.
This is an informal, drop in, discussion open to all staff and students of UCL.

An extract from UCL’s EDI Strategy 2015-2020:

UCL is regarded as a sector leader in the field of equality and diversity, and yet our staff and student data and experiences, tell a different story. We cannot afford to be complacent if we want to continue to recruit, develop and retain the most talented staff and students. Thus UCL is, and will continue to be, a leading proponent of 'positive action' and will take bold steps to redress pass imbalances. 

UCL defines 'equality' as the absence of unjust social hierarchy such as those based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and 'diversity' as the presence of different cultural traditions and identities. 

We wish to foster a positive cultural climate where no-one will feel compelled to conceal or play down elements of their identity for fear of stigma. UCL will be a place where people can be authentic and their unique perspective, experiences and skills seen as a valuable asset to the institution.

At the Bartlett, we aim to make EDI a lived experience.

Find out more about EDI at The Bartlett