
The Bartlett


Debate: This House Would Divest from Fossil Fuels

24 March 2015, 5:00 pm–7:30 pm

fossil fuels

Event Information

Open to



Jane Rendell


Main Lecture Theatre, Bentham House

Should UCL divest from fossil fuels and sell its £21million invested in the industry? 

UCL academics debate the issue in Bentham B01 Main Lecture Theatre (Bentham House, Endsleigh Gardens)  at 5pm on Tuesday, 24th March.

Speakers include:

Anthony Finkelstein, Professor of Software Systems Engineering
Dean of Engineering Sciences Faculty
Jane Holder, Professor of Environmental Law
Hugh Montgomery, Professor of of Intensive Care Medicine
Director or UCL Institute for Human Health and Performance 
Alan Penn, Dean of The Bartlett
Business Fellow for The Higher Education Funding Council for England
Chris Rapley, Professor of Climate Science
Director of the Science Museum from 2007-2010

Richard Horton, the Editor of the Lancet and an honorary professor at UCL, will chair the debate.