
UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


UCL IEDE researchers present at the System Dynamics conference

8 August 2016

Sibel Eker resized

The 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society took place in Delft, Netherlands on July 17 – July 21, 2016. With a PhD colloquium, a wide variety of oral and poster presentations and workshops, the conference brought together a large group of researchers and practitioners who use system dynamics. Nici Zimmermann, Sibel Eker, Kaveh Dianati and visiting MSc student Shane Carnohan represented UCL IEDE at the conference.

The IEDE group presented the following five papers:

Endogenous transformation of exogenous effects in a system dynamics model of heating, ventilation and rebound, by Nici Zimmermann, Lai Fong Chiu, Yekatherina Bobrova, Zaid Chalabi 

Understanding the Mechanisms behind Fragmentation in the Housing Construction and Retrofit , by Sibel Eker, Nici Zimmermann

Integrating GMB and Games in the Built Environment, by Shane Carnohan, Nici Zimmermann, Etiënne Rouwette

What are System Dynamics Insights?, by Krystyna Stave, Nici Zimmermann, Hyunjung Kim

Fragmentation in the Housing Industry; Affordability and Fuel Poverty, by Kaveh Dianati