Healthy and sustainable places: State of the art in research and practice
10 July 2019, 5:00 pm–9:00 pm
Join us for a series of short talks, an exhibition and interactive activities to learn about the latest research and practice on healthy and sustainable buildings, and to explore related challenges and opportunities for the future.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
- Free
Maija Powell
Bentham Room, South CloistersWilkins BuildingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
The recent rise of the wellbeing agenda among building designers and urban planners has emerged as a powerful platform for a shift from environmental sustainability drivers to a more holistic human centred design approach.
Building and urban design are fast becoming key instruments in promoting human health and wellbeing whilst simultaneously meeting current environmental challenges, such as achieving current climate change mitigation and adaptation targets. Health and wellbeing in the built environment is a growing and very influential part of IEDE’s research portfolio, and will be a dominant theme in the construction industry and public health policy arenas in the future.
This evening Symposium, Exhibition and Reception will celebrate the IEDE’s world-leading research and teaching activities in this area, and explore emerging health and wellbeing themes across academia, industry and policy. The ideas and discussions produced during the event will be used to develop an IEDE Pamphlet on the topic – which event attendees will be acknowledged within (upon their agreement).
17.30 Welcome, Intro to IEDE Prof Dejan Mumovic, IEDE
17.40 A systems approach to health and sustainability in urban environments – an international prospective, Prof Mike Davies, IEDE
17.50 Noise, soundscape and built environment, Prof Jian Kang, IEDE
18.00 Built environment and public health policy: challenges and opportunities, Dr Clive Shrubsole, Public Health England
18.10 Health and wellbeing in professional practice – an engineering view, Dr Julie Godefroy, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
18.20 Forging the new generation of practitioners, Dr Marcella Ucci, IEDE
18.30 Healthy by design – a practitioner perspective, Mark Lumley, Architype
18.40 Interactive audience activities - Chair: Helen Pineo, IEDE
19.00 Quick fire talks (Exhibitors et al) - Staff, students, business partners
19.15 Network, exhibition viewing, drinks and canapés