
UCL Energy Institute


Recent Publications


  • Elwell, C.A., P. Biddulph, R. Lowe, and T. Oreszczyn. “Determining the Impact of Regulatory Policy on UK Gas Use Using Bayesian Analysis on Publicly Available Data.” Energy Policy 86 (November 2015): 770–83. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2015.08.020.
    This paper pioneered the use of Bayesian statistics for the analysis of policy performance and the evaluation policy implementation scenarios.
  •  Biddulph, P., V. Gori, C.A. Elwell, C. Scott, C. Rye, R. Lowe, and T. Oreszczyn. “Inferring the Thermal Resistance and Effective Thermal Mass of a Wall Using Frequent Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements.” Energy and Buildings 78 (August 2014): 10–16. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.04.004.
  • Gori, V., V. Marincioni, P. Biddulph, and C.A. Elwell. “Inferring the Thermal Resistance and Effective Thermal Mass Distribution of a Wall from in Situ Measurements to Characterise Heat Transfer at Both the Interior and Exterior Surfaces.” Energy and Buildings 135 (January 15, 2017): 398–409. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.10.043.
    This paper extends the method presented in Biddulph et al. (2014) to model the heat transfer at both surfaces of a building element. The method enables the characterisation of the thermal structure of the element surveyed, providing useful insights for decision making aiming at developing tailored interventions that maximise thermal comfort and minimise energy use.

All recent publications:

  • Gori, V., C.A. Elwell. “Estimation of thermophysical properties from in-situ measurements in all seasons: Quantifying and reducing errors using dynamic grey-box methods.” Energy and Buildings 167 (15 May, 2018): 290-300. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.02.048.
  •  Gori, V., P. Biddulph, C.A. Elwell. “A Bayesian dynamic method to estimate the thermophysical properties of building elements in all seasons, orientations and with reduced error.” Energies, Special Issue “Bayesian Building Energy Modeling” 11(4) (30 March, 2018): 802. doi: 10.3390/en11040802. 
  • Love, J., J. Wingfield, A.Z.P. Smith, P. Biddulph, T. Oreszczyn, R. Lowe, C.A. Elwell. “Hitting the target and missing the point: Analysis of air permeability data for new UK dwellings and what it reveals about the testing procedure.” Energy and Buildings 155 (15 November, 2017): 88-97. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.09.013.
  • Pelsmakers, S., C.A. Elwell. “Suspended timber ground floors: Heat loss reduction potential of insulation interventions.” Energy and Buildings 153 (15 October, 2017): 549-563. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.07.085. 
  • Pelsmakers, S., B. Croxford, C.A. Elwell. “Suspended timber ground floors: measured heat loss compared with models.” Building Research & Information (26 June, 2017). doi: 10.1080/09613218.2017.1331315.
  • Lowe, R., Summerfield, A., Oikonomou, E., Love, J., Biddulph, P., Gleeson, C., Chiu, L.F., Wingfield, J. (2017). “Final report on analysis of heat pump data from the renewable heat premium payment (RHPP) scheme”. Department for Buisiness, Energy & Industrial Strategy, UK Government. 
  • Summerfield, A., Biddulph, P., Stone, A., Grainger, C., Agnolucci, P., Gleeson, C., Oikonomou, E., Lowe, R. (2017). Detailed analysis of data from heat pumps installed via the Renewable Heat Premium Payment Scheme. Department of Energy & Climate Change, UK Government.
  • Gori, V., C. Elwell. “Characterization of the thermal structure of different building constructions using in-situ measurements and Bayesian analysis”. Paper presented at the Northern Symposium on Building Physics NSB2017 (11-14 June 2017), to appear on Energy Procedia.
  • Elwell, C.A., H. Robertson, J. Wingfield, P. Biddulph, and V. Gori. “The thermal characteristics of roofs: policy, installation and performance”. Paper presented at the Northern Symposium on Building Physics NSB2017 (11-14 June 2017), to appear on Energy Procedia.
  • Pelsmakers, S., R. Fitton, P. Biddulph, W. Swan, B. Croxford, S. Stamp, F. C. F. Calboli, D. Shipworth, R. Lowe, and C. A. Elwell. “Heat-Flow Variability of Suspended Timber Ground Floors: Implications for in-Situ Heat-Flux Measuring.” Energy and Buildings 138 (March 1, 2017): 396–405. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.12.051.
  • Gori, V., V. Marincioni, P. Biddulph, and C.A. Elwell. “Inferring the Thermal Resistance and Effective Thermal Mass Distribution of a Wall from in Situ Measurements to Characterise Heat Transfer at Both the Interior and Exterior Surfaces.” Energy and Buildings 135 (January 15, 2017): 398–409. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.10.043.
  • Bennett, G., C. Elwell, R. Lowe, and T. Oreszczyn. “The Importance of Heating System Transient Response in Domestic Energy Labelling.” Buildings 6, no. 3 (August 8, 2016): 29. doi:10.3390/buildings6030029.
  • Chambers, J., V. Gori, P. Biddulph, I. Hamilton, T. Oreszczyn, and C. Elwell.  "How solid is our knowledge of solid walls?-Comparing energy savings through three different methods." Proceedings of International Conference CISBAT 2015 Future Buildings and Districts Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale. 2015.
  • Elwell, C.A., P. Biddulph, R. Lowe, and T. Oreszczyn. “Determining the Impact of Regulatory Policy on UK Gas Use Using Bayesian Analysis on Publicly Available Data.” Energy Policy 86 (November 2015): 770–83. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2015.08.020.
  • Gori, V., P. Biddulph, C. A. Elwell, C. Scott, C. Rye, R. Lowe, and T. Oreszczyn. "Seasonal factors influencing the estimation of the U-value of a wall." Proceedings of 2nd building simulation and optimization BSO14 conference. 2014.
  • Biddulph, P., V. Gori, C.A. Elwell, C. Scott, C. Rye, R. Lowe, and T. Oreszczyn. “Inferring the Thermal Resistance and Effective Thermal Mass of a Wall Using Frequent Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements.” Energy and Buildings 78 (August 2014): 10–16. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.04.004.