London Solar Opportunity Map
In 2020 the Building Stock Laboratory at UCL Energy Institute will deliver the London Solar Opportunity Map to the Greater London Authority.

2 March 2020
For this, the quantities of solar radiation falling annually on all roofs and areas of land in the 33 London boroughs have been calculated at high resolution using LiDAR data (laser measurements from overflying aircraft).
These calculations take account of the extent to which buildings are shaded from the sun by other buildings and trees.
The statistics are compiled into the Map, to show annual radiation for 50 cm grid squares.
The Map will be made available on a public website. Users will be able to see the potential energy output, either electrical from photovoltaic panels, or thermal from solar water heaters.
Information derived from the 3DStock London model will give details of buildings beneath the roofs and the uses of land parcels.
The Map is part of the London Mayor’s Solar Action Plan to achieve one gigawatt of installed solar capacity by 2030 and two gigawatts by 2050. It is for use by homeowners, property owners and the solar trade, as well as the GLA and boroughs.
View the London Solar Opportunity Map on the Greater London Authority website