Research project directory
Research Centres
The UCL Energy Institute is home to a number of academic centres that conduct world-leading research and teaching.

Smart Energy Research Lab
The Smart Energy Research Lab (SERL) is a consortium of seven UK universities and the Energy Saving Trust funded by the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to provide vital access to energy data for the UK research community.

London–Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand
The London–Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo) is the premier centre for energy demand research in the built environment in the UK.

Energy Resilience and the Built Environment Centre for Doctoral Training
The Energy Resilience and the Built Environment Centre for Doctoral Training (ERBE CDT) is funded by EPSRC to bring together established energy research centres to train future leaders and innovators in the field of energy and the built environment..
Project directory
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Search here results
search-total-matching42search-total-matching- Net zero energy system designs for the UK | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- UCL Energy and Development Group | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Re-Energize DR3 | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Move2CCAM | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- The political economy of sunset versus sunrise industries | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Post-COVID, Net Zero, Heating of Buildings | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Towards Zero-Carbon Aviation (TOZCA) | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- UBASE – Urban Benchmarking Action for Sustainable Energy | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- New Aviation, Propulsion, Knowledge and Innovation Network | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- GBStressFree | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
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Past research centres

RCUK Centre for Energy Epidemiology
The RCUK Centre for Energy Epidemiology (CEE) was the UK’s first dedicated energy epidemiology research centre, launched in 2013 and running until December 2018.

Whole Systems Energy Modelling Consortium
Whole Systems Energy Modelling Consortium (wholeSEM) is a multi-institution initiative to develop, integrate and apply state-of-the-art energy models.