Livestream - 'State of UK environmental policy' from Professor Paul Ekins and MSc EPEE Alumni
2 March 2018
Where ever you are in the world, join past and present students of UCL’s MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment to hear a live streamed keynote lecture from Professor Paul Ekins.

On 21st March 2018, 18.00 GMT, we will be hosting a keynote lecture from Professor Paul Ekins as part of our Annual MSc Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment (MSc EPEE) Alumni Networking event. Now in its third year, the MSc EPEE alumni evening features Paul Ekins’ annual update on the ‘State of UK environmental policy’, and reflections from alumni in a panel discussion.
For the first time this year we will be live streaming the event to the public. To join us and hear Professor Ekins' lecture watch the live stream here.
If you are a current student, alumni or member of industry insterested in attending please contact Maija Powell.
18.00GMT - Welcome and brief introductory remarks from Will McDowall, Course Director of the MSc EPEE
Keynote from Professor Paul Ekins: “The State of UK Environmental Policy 2018: The government’s 25 year environment plan”
Panel discussion and Q&A chairs by Professor Michael Grubb: Confirmed speakers include Jesse Glicker (International Energy Agency, EPEE class of 2017) and Oliver Kerr (Aurora Energy Research, EPEE class of 2016). Following from the theme of Paul’s keynote, the panel will be reflecting on the importance and challenges of long-term planning in environmental policy.