UCL-Energy student Will Usher completes PhD viva
27 May 2016
On 16 May, Will presented his thesis titled ‘The value of learning about critical energy systems uncertainties.’

Will was supervised by Neil Strachan (primary), Ilkka Keppo (secondary). Will has also recently accepted a role at UCL-Energy as a research associate in Transport Shipping, investigating the operational behaviour of ships.
Of his viva experience Will said: “I’m really happy to have passed my viva after four years (and four months) of hard work. Although I was nervous, the viva itself was really enjoyable. It was a real privilege to discuss my work with two interested and experienced academics, both of whom had thoroughly read my thesis. They asked some difficult questions, but evidently they were happy with my answers. I’m looking forward to finishing up my corrections and letting the deeper nuances of uncertainty alone for a while!”
This past academic year has been a very successful year for UCL-Energy PhD students with six students completing their vivas.