The UCL Energy Institute turns four
28 June 2013
The UCL Energy Institute was launched four years ago this week, with the aim of accelerating the transition to a globally sustainable energy system through world-class energy research, education and policy support.
Read a brief report of what UCL-Energy has achieved over the past four years
Since the launch UCL-Energy has:
Brought together a new, highly motivated, multidisciplinary group of 50 core staff who are world leading in their understanding of energy demand in the built environment, transport and energy systems. | |
Won 11 research projects, the main, large projects in systems and demand. Key projects: RCUK Centre for Energy Epidemiology and the Whole Systems Modelling Consortium (wholeSEM) | |
Developed a Doctoral Training Programme to support the complex and interdisciplinary research objectives of the Institute.: MRes in Energy Demand Studies, MPhil/PhD in Energy, and launching in September 2013, the MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment | |
Published 370 academic publications including: three co-edited books (one sole-authored by a student), 17 book chapters and scientific papers in journals including: The Lancet, Energy Policy, and Building, Research and Information. | |
Developed strategic international links, including: establishing a close relationship with the Global Green Growth Institute in Korea, engaging with and supporting UCL in Australia (SERAUS), undertaking DFID funded research in Mekong Delta and Africa. | |
Provided regular advice and support to government departments which in turn has led to its research having impact. For example: Tadj Oreszczyn is a member of the DECC Scientific Advisory Group and Andreas Schafer is a member of the Independent Airports Commission. | |
Hosted two ministerial visits. Rt Hon Greg Barker MP visited in 2012 to announce £39m investment in research, and Rt Hon David Willetts MP visited UCL-Energy as part of a marine technology project in June 2013. | |
Delivered 57 UCL-Energy seminars, facilitating knowledge sharing on energy-related issues with both the UCL community and with key stakeholders in industry, government and other research institutes. | |
Participated in media opportunities including: Channel 5 News, The Guardian, The Independent, Times Higher Education, The Daily Telegraph, the CIBSE Journal and The Architect's Journal. | |
Published a number of student blogs on our website, covering topics including the Cheltenham Science Festival, carbon capture, where recycling goes and energy analysis. | |
Uploaded 40 videos to the UCL-Energy YouTube channel, including seminars, student videos and media work. |