20 results

New research finds SIGNIFICANT potential for retrofit energy savings in homes
9 October 2017. New research led by Dr Sofie Pelsmakers (Sheffield University, London-Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Training Alumni) andhighlights that heat loss from suspended timber ground floors in pre-war ... Dr Pelsmakers said: “Our detailed…
UCL Energy Institute

Congratulations to UCL-Energy PhD graduates
Ivan Garcia Kerdan, Paula Morgenstern, Sofie Pelmakers, Carlo Raucci, and Will Usher all attended the ceremony held at Senate House on the 7. ... Sofie Pelsmakers, who also completed her PhD with a studentship from LoLo CDT, wrote her thesis ‘Pre-1919…
UCL Energy Institute

UCL-Energy alumni in conversation about their time at The Bartlett
Dr Jenny Love, Dr Sofie Pelsmakers, and Dr Carrie Behar discuss their studies, achievements and give tips to current PhD students in recent interviews after being nominated Bartlett Alumni Role Models. ... Dr Sofie Pelsmakers graduated in 2016 after…
UCL Energy Institute

New research finds potential for greater retrofit energy savings in homes
Until now, their thermal performance has not been extensively investigated. A new study, led by Dr Sofie Pelsmakers, a graduate from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo), ... Pelsmakers, B. Croxford and C.A. Elwell is published…
UCL Energy Institute

UCL-Energy blogs for International Women's Day
Sofie Pelsmakers: The changing face of architecture.…
UCL Energy Institute

Doctoral researcher Sofie Pelsmakers named RIBA Role Model for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Doctoral researcher Sofie Pelsmakers named RIBA Role Model for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion. ... 4 June 2015. The Royal Institute of British Architects has launched its Equality, Diversity & Inclusion campaign in architecture and named UCL-Energy…
UCL Energy Institute

ECD architects present the initial findings of a Post Occupancy Evaluation led by Carrie Behar
ECD architects present the initial findings of a Post Occupancy Evaluation led by Carrie Behar. 23 April 2015. For Green Sky Thinking 2015, ECD architects presented the initial findings of a detailed Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) and Building…
UCL Energy Institute

UCL-Energy blogs for British Science Week
March 18. Sofie Pelsmakers: Building performance and scientific research: why we need more of it.…
UCL Energy Institute

UCL-Energy students visit schools to talk future careers
UCL-Energy PhD students Jenny Love and Sofie Pelsmakers have been visiting schools in London to talk about future careers. ... Here Jenny talks about the work they have been doing:. Sofie Pelsmakers and I went to school last week, for the first time in…
UCL Energy Institute

UCL-Energy and UCL ISR Climate Week Blog 2014
Blog by Sofie Pelsmakers, PhD student at UCL-Energy. Join the conversation and followBlog by Ian Hamilton, Lecturer and Senior Research Associate in Energy Epidemiology, UCL-Energy.…
UCL Energy Institute