International Building Research Perspectives
10 November 2020–13 November 2020, 12:00 pm–2:30 pm
Join us for a two session event organised by UCL Energy Institute and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy showcasing current international research and innovation projects in the IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities programme.
Event Information
Open to
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UCL Energy Institute
A two session event on Wednesday 10th November 12.00-14.30 and Friday 13th November 12.00-14.30 (GMT/UTC). Attendance at both sessions is strongly recommended.
The International Energy Agency works with governments and industry to shape a secure and sustainable energy future for all. The IEA is at the heart of global dialogue on energy, providing authoritative analysis, data, policy recommendations, and real-world solutions to help countries provide secure and sustainable energy for all.
The IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) Programme is is the IEA's Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) on Energy in Buildings and Communities, an international energy research and innovation programme in the buildings and communities field with collaborative R&D projects among its 26 member countries.
Session 1: IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) International Webinar
Presenting the results from six current and recent projects (Annexes).
Progressing the scientific basis of indoor environmental quality is essential to understand which aspects can be better optimised to substantially reduce energy use in buildings. In recent years, IEA EBC international research projects have been investigating for this purpose both indoor air quality and thermal comfort. The embodied impacts of buildings and their services systems are also a focus of EBC's research. Other current EBC projects are expanding the programme's communications outreach, so the scientific and engineering research knowledge generated can be more widely shared, not only within the academic community, but also with policy and decision makers in industry and governments. The aim of this webinar is to share the outcomes of several concluding EBC research projects in this area and to provide updates on some of the innovative work taking place within the programme. This webinar is organized by the International Energy Agency's Technology Collaboration Programme on Energy in Buildings and Communities. The webinar is facilitated by INIVE.
- Agenda
12:00 Welcome by Dr Takao Sawachi, EBC Executive Committee Chair
12:05 Presentations - Part 1:
EBC Overview by Prof Paul Ruyssevelt, EBC Executive Committee Vice Chair
EBC Annex 5: Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre by Dr Peter Wouters
EBC Annex 68: High Indoor Air Quality in Low Energy Buildings, Prof Carsten Rode
EBC Annex 69: Adaptive Thermal Comfort by Prof Yingxin Zhu
Q&A moderated by Prof Paul Ruyssevelt14:20 Summary by Prof Xudong Yang, EBC Quality Assurance Sub-Committee Chair
14:30 End of webinar
13:20 Presentations - Part 2:
EBC Working Group on Cities and Communities by Helmut Strasser
EBC Annex 72: Life Cycle Impacts by Rolf Frischknecht
EBC Annex 74: Living Lab Platform by Prof Karsten Voss
Q&A moderated by Prof Paul Ruyssevelt
Session 2: UK Involvement in EBC Projects (Annexes)
Presentations and discussions aimed at explaining and exploring UK participation in current and future international research projects.
This event will share opportunities to become involved in future research programmes and how to secure funding for these activities.
The workshop will benefit researchers, designers, planners, builders, developers and product manufacturers and suppliers active in developing and researching low energy buildings and communities.
- Agenda
12.00 Welcome
12.10 Introduction to UK involvement in IEA Technology Collaboration projects – Jon Saltmarsh and Josie Astrand BEIS
12.30 Brief recap of IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities activities – Paul Ruyssevelt, EBC Vice Chair
12.45 Experience of involvement in an EBC Annex – UK Researcher tbc
13.00 Q&A discussion: UK priorities, opportunities and how to get involved
14.00 Funding opportunities – Laura Finney, EPSRC
14.15 Practicalities of getting involved and Summing up – Paul Ruyssevelt
14.30 Close