UCL-Energy Seminar: Meeting UK carbon budgets – what's needed to get on track
04 April 2017, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm

Event Information
Open to
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UCL Energy Institute
G01, Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London, WC1H 0NN
The UK has committed to a 5th carbon budget which requires greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced by 57% by 2030 (against 1990 levels), and to at least 80% by 2050. The 5th carbon budget has been set in line with the advice of the Committee on Climate Change, however, measures to meet this target are not yet in place. The Government aims to publish an emissions reduction plan by the end of the year, setting out how it intends to reach this target.
In this talk, Adrian Gault, Chief Economist with the Committee, will look at how the proposed measures compare in relation to the legislated targets and in light of the greater ambition in the Paris Agreement.
About the speaker
Adrian joined the secretariat of the Committee on Climate Change in May 2009, where he is responsible for analytical work looking at UK greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and costs. Based on the Committee’s advice, in July last year, the Government set the fifth carbon budget requiring a 57% reduction in UK emissions in 2030 as against 1990 levels. Recently, the Committee looked at the implications of low-carbon measures for energy prices and bills. Currently, the Committee is preparing to assess the UK Government’s forthcoming plan to reduce UK emissions in line with the fourth and fifth carbon budgets, and to ensure the UK is on track to its 2050 emissions reductions target. Prior to joining the CCC secretariat, Adrian gained substantial experience in the energy and environmental sectors – as an economist in the Department for Transport, as part of the Energy Group at the former Department for Trade and Industry and in the Treasury tax team.
Video footage of this seminar has now been added the the UCL-Energy Institute Youtube Channel. Watch below: