The 2015/2016 academic year finished up with a great series of events at UCL-Energy Institute. Thank you to all of our speakers, we have enjoyed hosting you this term. UCL-Energy Seminars will return in the 2016/2017 academic year.
All our seminars are filmed and can be found on the UCL-Energy Youtube Page.
For information regarding our future events be sure to sign up to our mailing list or follow us on twitter.
02 February 2016: UCL-Energy Seminar: 'Energy technology innovation and the role of governments: state of the art, new developments, and key questions' with Dr. Laura Diaz Anadon, Visiting Senior Lecturer at UCL STEaPP
01 March 2016: Joint UCL-Energy, UCL Institute of Sustainable Resources and UCL Global Governance Institute 'Wanted: a third generation of global governance research' with Dr Tom Pegram, Lecturer in Global Governance
23 March 2016: UCL Energy Institute, UCL STEaPP, CDKN and the French Embassy present: "The Paris Agreement - What does it mean for Africa?
05 April 2016: UCL-Energy seminar: 'Energy efficiency in non-domestic buildings: Are we on target for 2050?' With Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Executive of UK-Green Building Council
03 May 2016: UCL-Energy seminar: 'Developing secure, environmentally sound city and national energy systems' with UCL-Energy lecturer Dr Mark Barrett and research associate Dr Ed Sharp
24 May 2016: UCL-Energy Seminar: 'International shipping GHG policy post-Paris Agreement, recent developments at IMO MEPC and their implications for the sector' with UCL-Energy Reader in Energy and Transport Tristan Smith and Director Safety and Environment, Chamber of Shipping David Balston
02 June 2016: Joint UCL-Energy and UCL STEaPP seminar: 'Evaluating the Paris Agreement's Mitigation Pledges' with Joe Aldy, Associate Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School
09 June 2016: UCL-Energy & The Edge Expert Panel Discussion - EU Referendum: Environmental & climate change consequences for the built environment
UCL-Energy term 1 events round up