UCL-Energy seminar: 'Does cost optimisation approximate the real world energy transition?'
27 May 2014, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

Event Information
Room GO1, Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London WC1H 0NN
Modelling and even thinking about the future energy transition is often grounded in an assumption that economic rationale is the key driver of this transition. We know that the energy system is too complex to be steered to a single desired least-cost state, yet we also know that economic rationale matters. Using a post-hoc assessment of the UK energy scenarios 1978-2003 and a retrospective UK power system modelling 1990-2010, Evelina will show that cost optimisation does not necessarily approximate the real-world energy transition. Yet, systematic analysis of near-optimal transition pathways can give insights into the real-world transition. Energy transition modelling should thus be able to navigate a very wide range of potential energy futures, where neither technology costs and other parameters nor cost-optimising rationale are certain. Evelina will introduce the D-EXPANSE model for this purpose.
About the speaker:
Evelina Trutnevyte currently works as a Research Associate at University College London (UCL) Energy Institute. She
is an energy systems modeller with substantial experience in knowledge
integration from different disciplines and at science-society interface.
She is an engineer by training and completed
her PhD studies at the Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH
Zurich, Switzerland.
We expect this event to be extremely popular, and places will be on a first come first served basis. If you are no longer able to attend please email as soon as possible energy-events@ucl.ac.uk
The presentation will promptly start at 5.30pm.
Admission is by ticket only, please remember to bring your Eventbrite ticket with you.