The BUDDcamp was a three-day design workshop exercise in which Building and Urban Design in Development MSc students were exposed to the socio-spatial challenges of a particular place.
About our BUDDcamps
Following our Building and Urban Design in Development MSc students' theoretical learnings, and following an introduction to a case through lectures and seminars, students undertook an intensive three-day practical engagement which explored the impact of urban design on issues of equality, inclusion and social integration. This provided our students with the opportunity to further develop their practical skills and in preparation for our overseas practice engagements.
BUDDlab was the resulting output of the BUDDcamps, a series of papers published by The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, which you can download below.
Please note: BUDDcamps are not currently being offered by the Building and Urban Design in Development MSc.
Our previous BUDDcamps
Co-habitation practices
The 2020 edition of the BUDDcamp took place in the first week of February. In that week, the threat of something unknown and invisible was already beginning to appear: the Coronavirus. From China came the pernicious news of an epidemic that claimed inexorably victims. Only two weeks later would we have had the first case in Codogno, Italy, on February 21st. From that moment Italy had suffered one of the worst health crises in its history. The data itself leaves no room for interpretation: 236,651 cases and 34,301 deaths more than half in Lombardy and among the most affected areas Brescia. The days of the BUDDcamp were the last moment of conviviality, serenity, brotherhood and vitality that it was possible to experience. Today they represent the starting point from which to start over.
Download Volume 12 of BUDDlab, 'Co-habitation practices'
July 2020
Urban mobility: surveillance spaces and spaces of belonging

Focusing on dwelling in the public and transport spaces in the city, the 2019 BUDDcamp interrogated urban mobility as a fundamental need and as a right that produces stratified and segregated citizenship. After having talked to public transport users and planners and collected migrant and refugee stories for three days, it emerged that different uses and spaces of transport are a cultural product and simultaneously a social and economic reproductor of inequality and gender discrimination. However, we discovered also that mobility can build opportunities of encounter.
Download Volume 11 of BUDDlab, 'Urban mobility: surveillance spaces and spaces of belonging'
June 2019
Conditional hospitality, humanitarian paradigms and the ‘possible'
As part of a long term partnership with Local Democracy Agency in Zavidovici (LDA), and embedded into action-research at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, the BUDDcamp was faced with a multiplicity of intersubjective dilemmas, pitfalls and anachronisms, that called into question not only who we are and how we operate as urban practitioners, but also where we stand as human beings.
Download Volume 10 of BUDDlab, 'Conditional hospitality, humanitarian paradigms and the ‘possible’
June 2018
Dwelling Practices in the City

Hospitality has become a dominant notion in asylum and immigration. Not only is it often used in official discourses but it is also prevalent in social analysis, as indicated by the established use of terms such as host country and reception. Much of the problem is the idea of hospitality and how it has always been misunderstood.
Download Volume 9 of BUDDlab, 'Dwelling practices in the city'
June 2017
Seeing the city anew: Designing for refugee integration

This BUDDlab volume serves as an ongoing compilation of ethnographic and action research towards a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of urban design. Each reflection is the student’s personal journey towards understanding their role as an urban practitioner, as they get closer to embarking on this trajectory after graduation. We hope that these help both those working at Local Democracy Agency in Zavidovici (LDA) to appreciate the impact of their work, but also as a moment in time biographical exploration that students could return to, years from now, to review how they put their learning in to action.
Download Volume 8 of BUDDlab, 'Seeing the city anew: Designing for refugee integration
June 2016

This publication presents and discusses the results of a short design research workshop developed in close collaboration with the Local Democracy Agency in Zavidovici (LDA) in Brescia, Italy. Building and Urban Design in Development MSc students explored and critically engage with everyday contested urban realities in four sites of Brescia to design inclusive design strategies guided by the memos of Calvino's 'American Lectures': Multiplicity, Lightness, Quickness, and Visibility.
THINKINGDOINGBRESCIA: Six Memos to Interpret the City

It is clear form the title of this publication that the approach of this workshop was characterised by two principles: that of 'pensare' (thinking) and that of 'fare' (making), all packaged in a very challenging plot with 5 sites of investigation. In this BUDDcamp, we investigated specific urban sites through psycho-geographical mapping and interviews towards strategic interventions as catalysts for alternative urban regeneration and the promotion of good neighbourhood practices such as inclusive social enterprise.
Download Volume 6 of BUDDlab, 'THINKINGDOINGBRESCIA: Six Memos to Interpret the City'
April 2014
Brescia: The city of Euphemia III

In this BUDDcamp, we made our investigations through psycho-geographical mapping and participatory design as catalysts for the promotion of good neighbourhood practices including Roma settlements, refugee shelters and inclusive social enterprise.
Download Volume 5 of BUDDlab, 'The City of Euphemia 3'
April 2013
Brescia: The city of Euphemia II

Here, we investigated through psycho-geographical mapping and local group interviews as catalysts for the promotion of good neighbourhood practices, alternative regeneration schemes and small scale integrations in refugee shelters.
Download Volume 4 of BUDDlab, 'The City of Euphemia 2'
June 2012
Brescia: The city of Euphemia I

In 2011, we investigated through psycho-geographical mapping and one-on-one interviews as catalysts for the promotion of overall urban integration of refugee populations within the city.
Download Volume 2 of BUDDlab, 'The City of Euphemia'
June 2011
Wales Workshop

Our first BUDDcamp made its investigations through psycho-geographical mapping and one-on-one interviews as catalysts for the promotion of overall urban integration of refugee populations within the city.
March 2010