
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Pedagogies of territorial reparation

Co-producing ‘Neighborhoods of Peace’ in Medellin’s Territorial Planning

A group of people standing and sitting in a semi circle around a small shrine with candles, flowers and cards

4 August 2023


MIB PAZ logo
The engagement consists of two strategies. The co-creation of a policy brief and a public pedagogy toolkit strategy will include two workshops where the methodological and pedagogical design focuses on gathering inputs from community actors, victims and signatories to produce a policy brief. 
The public and legislative advocacy strategy will focus on attending spaces of public debate to raise awareness about the central role of co-production and advocates for grassroots planning and multi-scale governance as the key instrument for the construction of urban territorial peace in Colombian cities. 
Aims and outcomes

The outcomes will have impacts on three spheres:

1) The realm of territorial planning by bringing an innovative approach to link spatial and reparative justice in tandem;
2) The mechanisms of collaboration between academic partners and local state by bringing public pedagogy and planning co-production with victims of conflict and ex-combatants jointly in an unprecedented approach for local public policy makers;
3) It also offers a platform to work across governance scales to disseminate the findings of previous research work that has policy relevance in the formulation of public policies related to peace and territorial planning. The premise of the proposal is that a recalibrated ​​’neighbourhood upgrading’ strategy based on grassroots planning and multi-scale governance support is at the forefront of territorial reparation, peacebuilding, and reconciliation in Colombian cities.


Professor Catalina Ortiz, UCL Urban Lab – Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL, UK, catalina.ortiz@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Natalia Villamizar Duarte, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK, natalia.villamizar-duarte@newcastle.ac.uk  

Mg Eliana Torres, Planearte, Colombia, proyectos@planearte.com.co  

Dr Gloria Naranjo, Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia, Colombia, gloria.naranjo@udea.edu.co

Dr Paula Vargas, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, University of Antioquia, Colombia, paula.vargas@udea.edu.co

Mg Claudia Rengifo González, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, University of Antioquia, Colombia, claudia.rengifo@udea.edu.co 

Mg Juan Esteban Lopera, Institute of Political Studies, University of Antioquia, Colombia, esteban.lopera@udea.edu.co

Mg Fernando Zapata, Corporación Región, Colombia, fernando.zapata@region.org.co

Ana Lucía Puerta Rendón, Medellín’s Secretariat of Citizen Participation, ana.puerta@medellin.gov.co

Luis Osorio, Subdirector Social and Economic planning, Medellín’s Planning Department, luis.orozco@medellin.gov.co


YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM_1hWylVlk

Neighbourhood upgrading for peace | A strategy for territorial reparation

Territorial planning is crucial in the implementation of urban territorial peace. Self-built neighbourhoods and their residents have been the most affected by the armed conflict and have suffered collective, community, and territorial damage more intensely. Therefore, it is imperative to generate restorative measures aimed at comprehensive reparations for surviving victims and communities affected by multiple forms of violence. The Comprehensive Neighbourhood Upgrading (CNU) is a multidimensional territorial intervention strategy that involves a long-term, multi actor and multi-scalar political commitment to improve housing conditions. A CNU with a territorial peace focus (CNU-PEACE) requires a gender, generational, differential, and intersectional perspective that articulates policies, instruments, and physical and social interventions to repair the damage caused by the conflict, enabling the exercise of the right to the city and contributing to the de-escalation of violence. This policy brief presents the articulation between CNU and the construction of territorial peace to advance territorial reparation in Medellín.

Video by: Señales de Humo – Medellín (Colombia)

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNQpUNR7Srk

Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios con enfoque de Paz-MIB PAZ

“Pedagogías de reparación territorial: co-produciendo ‘barrios de paz' en la planeación territorial de Medellín”, es una colaboración entre el Proceso de Memorias Colectivas y Paz Territorial, el Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Antioquia, el Instituto de Estudios Políticos de la Universidad de Antioquia, el University College London (UK), Newcastle University (UK), Planearte SAS y Corporación Convivamos; financiado por UCL-Global Engagement Fund, este proceso contó además, con la participación de la Secretaría de Participación y el Departamento Administrativo de Planeación del Distrito de #medellin.

Video by: Señales de Humo – Medellín (Colombia)