
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Fernando Toro

fernando toro
Name: Fernando Toro

Nationality: Chilean

Thesis: Financial planetary urbanization and uneven development in the global south.

Key Topics: Critical Urban Theory, Planetary Urbanization, Financialization of Housing, Urban Inequality, Relational Poverty.



Fernando is an architect from Universidad de Chile and holds a MSc in Urban Development Planning from UCL and a Master in Real Estate Management from Universidad de Chile. Has presented his work in Chile, Argentina, France and United Kingdom in issues related to urban segregation, inequality, neoliberal urbanism, financialization and housing policies. He has been funded by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and CONICYT Chile. He currently directs the NGO Ciudad Común (think tank - critical studies) and is a former Director of the Villa San Luis Foundation (activism - housing rights). His recent professional experience includes consultancies for the Inter-American Development Bank about metropolitan cities and migration and the Minister of Housing and Urban Development of Chile.


Doctoral Research

In the context of the planetary urbanization and financialization of housing debate, my research seeks to understand the relation between the global capital circuits of accumulation and the role and impact on cities located in the global south. Specifically, the study is focused on the relation between the financialization process and the increasing inequality and relational poverty. Through a mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology, the research aims to find these relations between the global urban phenomena and its uneven materialization in local spaces from a comparative approach.


Web profiles: www.ciudadcomun.org/fernando-toro


Publications (Last three years)



Vera, F; Toro, F. & Robertson, C. (Forthcoming 2019). Lo Suprametropolitano. Inter-American Development Bank.



Vera, F; Toro, F. & Mashini, D. (Forthcoming 2019). Lo Suprametropolitano, Interrogando la Unidad Metropolitana. In Vera, F; Robertson, C. & Toro, F. (Eds.) Lo Suprametropolitano. Inter-American Development Bank.



Navarrete, P; Toro, F. (2017). Desigualdad territorial y la oferta de sistemas. In Vera, F. & Larach, C. (Eds.) Diálogos Impostergables XX Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo

2017, ISBN: 9789569843471. Valparaíso, Chile. Ed. Metales Pesados. pp. 133-134.



Navarrete-Hernández, P; Toro, F. (2019). Urban Systems of Accumulation: Half a century of Chilean neoliberal urban policies. Antipode. 51(3): 899-926.


Toro, F; Orozco, H. (2018). Concentración y homogeneidad socioeconómica. Representación de la segregación urbana en seis ciudades intermedias de Chile. Revista de Urbanismo, 38. https://revistaurbanismo.uchile.cl/index.php/RU/article/view/48834


Toro, F. (2016). Conjunto de integración y mixtura social en el centro de La Serena. Revista De Arquitectura, 21, 31, ISSN: 07168772, Ed. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile, 2016, 69-75, URL: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/article/view/44229


Toro, F. (2016). El espacio público y la ciudad como espacio democrático para la integración sociocultural. Experiencia de Niños y Ciudad. Revista de Gestión Cultural, 08, ISSN: 07196369, Ed. Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Chile, 2016, pp. 26-29, URL: http://mgcuchile.cl/ultimo-numero-revista-mgc-no-8-espacios-publicosdesa...



Toro, F. (2019). Financialized Representation of Space. The case of investment funds. Financialization and Development in the Global South. The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO). Argentina, Buenos Aires.


Toro, F. (2019). La representación financiarizada del espacio. El caso de los fondos de inversión en Chile. Seminario Internacional: Habitar las ciudades latinoamericanas: Nuevos enfoques e interdisciplinariedad en la investigación urbana. Ecole National Superieure d’architecture. France, París, Val de Seine.


Toro, F. (2019). Financialized Representation of Space. The case of investment funds. At the frontiers of the urban: Thinking concepts and practices globally. UCL Urban Lab. United Kingdom, London.


Toro, F.; Orozco, H. (2018). Segregación urbana y homogeneidad social en ciudades intermedias. “70 años de la CEPAL: Planificación para el desarrollo con visión de futuro”, ECLAC, United Nations. Chile, Santiago.


Toro, F.; Orozco, H. (2018). Homogeneidad social en ciudades intermedias, representando la segregación urbana. Seminario Desigualdades urbanas en América Latina y la región Andina. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales. Chile, Santiago.


Navarrete, P.; Toro, F. (2018). Sistemas Urbanos de acumulación. Conferencia internacional COES 2018 “Concentraciones”, COES. Chile, Santiago.


Toro, F. & Orozco, H. (2018). Urban Segregation and homogeneity in the intermediate cities, the case of Chile. 2nd Conference: Sustainable development in Chile and Latin America, where is the missing link?”, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, Nottingham.


Toro, F. & Saavedra, V. (2017). Housing and Urban policy and a gender perspective. The case of Santiago de Chile. III Congreso Internacional de Estudios Urbanos Situación y perspectivas de la Vivienda y el Hábitat en Argentina y América Latina, Argentina, Buenos Aires.