Past events
1054 results
The Bartlett is ranked #1 in the world for the second year
The Bartlett is ranked #1 in the world in Architecture and the Built Environment for the second year in a row, and remains #1 in the UK for the tenth year in a row (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024).…
Faculty of the Built Environment|The Bartlett School of Architecture|The Bartlett School of Planning|Bartlett School Env, Energy & Resources|Development Planning Unit|The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction|UCL Institute for Global Prosperity
Book launch: High Stakes, High Hopes: Urban Theorizing in Partnership
Join us for the book launch of 'High Stakes, High Hopes: Urban Theorizing in Partnership'.…
Development Planning Unit
Urban Visioning and Radical Imaginations: Rethinking methods for the just conquering of futures
The DPU Urban Transformation Cluster invites you to join this seminar on urban visioning and radical imaginations with Dr Thaisa Comelli from UCL's Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction.…
DPU Urban Transformations|Development Planning Unit
Prof. Adriana Allen ends her mandate as President of the Habitat International Coalition
DPU’s Prof. Allen concludes her tenure as President of the Habitat International Coalition (HIC) after four years of impactful work in defence of human rights related to habitat and the right to the city.…
Development Planning Unit
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit Virtual Open Day
Join us for a virtual open day where you can experience what it's like to be a student at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) with a taster lecture from Director of the DPU, Professor Michael Walls.…
Development Planning Unit
The Bartlett awarded £2.25 million for project on Climate Resilience in East Africa
Dr Jordana Ramalho and Dr Pascale Hofmann from The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) alongside Prof. Priti Parikh and Dr Margarita Garfias Royo from The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction (BSSC) have been awarded £2.25 million by…
The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction|Development Planning Unit
Post Growth: Planning After Capitalism
Join us for a DPU70 Dialogues in Development event on planning after capitalism.…
Development Planning Unit
On the Way to School: Teens, school journeys, and health: dialogues across geographies
Join this DPU Dialogues in Development to explore the relationship between health, active mobility and adolescence.…
Development Planning Unit
Urban Informality and the Built Environment
The Bartlett Doctoral Informality Network publishes new book 'Urban informality and the built environment' co-edited by Prof. Colin Marx.…
Development Planning Unit
The Bartlett Doctoral Informality Network publishes new book
Prof. Colin Marx from The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) has co-edited the book 'Urban informality and the built environment'.…
Development Planning Unit